Easy Ukulele Songs

At first glance, a ukulele can appear to be one of the easiest instruments. It's small. Just four strings. How hard could it be?

But anyone who has picked up a uke with dreams of sounding like the next Vance Joy, Bob Marley, or even Tiny Tim quickly learns it takes practice. These easy ukulele songs are a great place to start and we play them often at our Tuesday Ukulele Group meetings in Austin. What's more, they're great songs. Beginner ukulele players and uke players of all skill levels can enjoy these popular songs.

Easy ukulele chords

These easy songs use all basic chords, such as G major, F major, A minor, and D major. A note on abbreviations: You will see them notated in chord charts as G, F, Am, and D. Many of the songs also note strumming patterns, but beginners may want to strum each of these easy chords once, and move to the next chord.

Help for beginner ukulele players

Hey beginners: Starting with these fun songs will help you learn the basic chord shapes you will use often. Going back and forth between just a few easy chords will build finger strength and muscle memory you'll need later for the more-complicated songs that use more advanced chord progressions and barre chords.

Even with easy songs, it will be hard at first. You're asking your fingers to bend and stretch in new ways, learning major chords and minor chords, persuading both of your hands and your voice to all work together ... it takes repetition and time. So take it easy on yourself and enjoy the journey. Playing fun ukulele songs like these should stay fun.

We also have some video lessons for beginners!

Simple ukulele songs

The popular ukulele songs we list here are those we've played multiple times at our club meetings. They are divided into sections with 2 chords and 3 chords.

2 chord songs

Stay All Night .chopro .pdf
Waltz Across Texas .chopro PDF video
Angeline The Baker .chopro .pdf video
Hush Little Baby .chopro .pdf
Iko Iko .chopro .pdf video
The Beat Goes On .chopro .pdf video
Achy Breaky Heart .chopro PDF video
Jambalaya .chopro PDF video
Buffalo Gals .chopro .pdf video
Dance the Night Away .chopro .pdf video
Deep In The Heart Of Texas .chopro .pdf video
Dream Baby .chopro .pdf video
Down in the Valley .chopro .pdf video
Life During Wartime .pdf video
Don't Mess With My Toot Toot .pdf video
Ain't Gonna Rain No More .chopro PDF video
Hold On (Keep Your Eyes on the Prize) .pdf video
Horse with no Name .pdf video
Something in the Way .pdf
Born in the USA .pdf
Tom Dooley .pdf
You're Everything and More .pdf
Honeypot .chopro .pdf

3 chord songs

What's Up .chopro .pdf video
59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy) .chopro .pdf
All Along The Watchtower .chopro .pdf
All Together Now .chopro .pdf
Auld Lang Syne .chopro .pdf
Ballad of Gilligan's Island .chopro .pdf
Hearse Song .chopro .pdf
Boogie Shoes .chopro .pdf
Casey Jones .chopro .pdf
Cold, Cold Heart .chopro .pdf
Colours .chopro .pdf
Da Doo Ron Ron .chopro .pdf
The Devil Made Texas .chopro .pdf
Diamond Joe .chopro .pdf
Don't Worry Be Happy .pdf
Dreams .chopro .pdf
End of the Line .chopro .pdf
Frankie and Johnny .chopro .pdf
The Gambler .chopro .pdf
Grandma's Hands .chopro .pdf
Hand Me Down My Walking Cane .chopro .pdf
Heather on the Moor .chopro .pdf
Homegrown Tomatoes .chopro .pdf
I Walk the Line .chopro .pdf
If You've Got the Money, I've Got the Time .chopro .pdf
In Spite of Ourselves .chopro .pdf
It's a Hard Life Wherever You Go .chopro .pdf
Johnny B Goode .chopro .pdf
Keep Your Hands to Yourself .chopro .pdf
LA Freeway .chopro .pdf
The Last Thing on My Mind .chopro .pdf
Lion Sleeps Tonight .chopro .pdf
Long Black Veil .chopro .pdf
Louie Louie .chopro .pdf
My Ramblin' Boy .chopro .pdf
Never Going Back .pdf
Nice Things .chopro .pdf
Old Chisholm Trail .chopro .pdf
Our Town .chopro .pdf
Pamela Brown .chopro .pdf
Paradise .chopro .pdf
Particle Man .chopro .pdf
Reuben's Train .chopro .pdf
Sailin' On Through .chopro .pdf
Shady Grove .chopro .pdf
This Land is Your Land .pdf
To Live is to Fly .chopro .pdf
Trouble In Mind .chopro .pdf
Vigilante Man .chopro .pdf
The Wearing of the Green .chopro .pdf